Our Mission

Obesity is becoming one of the most increasingly growing risk factors for liver and intestinal disorders, including cancer. By employing multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches, including the use of preclinical mouse models generated in our laboratory combined with human data, our mission is to determine the mechanisms of diseases associated with obesity, including metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive system. In particular, we aim to: find out what goes wrong in diseased and cancerous tissues; understand how organs can regenerate; potentially engineer new tissues; and, if regeneration goes awry, determine how it contributes to cancer. Our ultimate goal is to help guide the design of new medicines against obesity and its associated disorders.

Representation of some of our research directions. Obesity is one of the most increasingly growing risk factors for liver and intestinal disorders, including cancer. By employing multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches, including the use of preclinical mouse models generated in our lab combined with human data, we aim to: find out what goes wrong in diseased tissues; understand how organs can regenerate; potentially engineer new tissues; and, if regeneration goes awry, determine how it contributes to disorders. Our final goal is to guide the design of new medicines against obesity and its associated disorders, including metabolic and digestive diseases. CVD: cardiovascular diseases. NASH: Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.




Spanish National Cancer Research Centre Molecular Oncology Programme
Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3 28029 Madrid Spain


+34 91 732 80 00 (Ext. 3830)

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